Transportation Planning Considerations
Different Considerations in Transportation Planning
- Regional planning considerations
- Urban form
- Urban design
- Highway facilities
- Environmental
- Land use & Economic considerations
Regional Planning Considerations
- Comprehensive Plans – Created by local governments and communities
- Zoning – Local governments' zoning and land use ordinances
- Parking – Local government’s minimum requirements for min parking spaces.
- Growth Plan – Planning new development that serves the economy, the community, and the environment
- Transit oriented Development – compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly developments treating the transit facility as the centerpiece
- Subdivision Regulations – Each subdivision or new housing development has their own set of regulations
Urban Form & Urban Design
Urban Form The cumulative effect of these individual development decisions over time results in a spatial development pattern referred to as urban form. Transportation planning should take care of existing urban form , it should not disturb existing one.
Urban Design Concerned with the physical characteristics of the city and the implications of design and planning decisions for the public realm of the city An integrating tool, one that coordinates how various public and private development proposals, including transportation and public infrastructure, will affect the city physically

Land Use Planning
- Population & Employment Forecasting
- Ratio method
- Gradual increase
- Economic growth based
- Relationship between land use & demand for travel
- Distribution of employment & population
- Different types of land-use models, & economic data analysis and local development expertise to forecast future land-use patterns.

Environmental Considerations
- Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Environmental Considerations at System Level
- Air Quality
- Storm water
- Energy& Climate
- Materials Recycling
- Eco-systems& Wild life

Land Use & Economic Impact Considerations
- Land use impact analysis : regional, sub area or corridor
- Consistency with plans & zoning : with existing transportation plans
- Impacts on local taxes
- Impacts transportation system
- Economic impacts
- Social & Community impacts
- Natural resources impacts
- Construction impacts